Friday, March 30, 2007


Git r' dun!

I apologize for the lack of updates, the last couple weeks have been very long. I rode for a solid 18 hours last week and am only on about 9 hours so far this week, which ends tomorrow. I've been chased by no less than 20 dogs and almost hit by more than a few disgruntled motorists. I luckily haven't had any flats or crashes since my last two mishaps in the beginning of march. I managed to work in my first set of intervals as well and they felt pretty good. I'll probably throw in another set next week to mix it up.

School has been pretty busy. I auditioned for Music Ed classes and did rather poorly today. I also had three tests this week all of which went really well... I think. Outside of that I've cut my food portions down a great deal to strip off the excess before I hit the intervals hard in about 2 weeks. I've probably got my body fat down to where it was at my peak this past summer but still want to dump off another couple pounds.

I recently picked up this book called Armstrong's War, on sale for $5, and started reading that. Its a really good book and I'd recommend it to anyone, cyclists and non-cyclists alike. Well... what else can I say... I've been ridin'! though probably not enough i've still managed to get out there.....

....have you?

Friday, March 09, 2007


rough beginnings

I went out for a 40 mile ride with my dad today and about 20 miles outside of town I wrecked hard. I was on my old mountain bike on County road F going about 30 mph and decided to see if I could bunny hop to pressure cracks that were close together. I think I cleared it but landed with the front wheel slightly crooked. I endoed the bike and flew 25 feet hitting my head hard and skidding on my rear end across the pavement. I got up right away and everything seemed to be ok...

I definetely need a new helmet...

...and I don't know how but I injured my foot somehow and busted up some blood veins which caused this nasty blood deposit. I also got some light road rash on my behind but i'm not posting any pictures of that.

The funny thing is yesterday I went out for a ride flatted ten miles outside of town with no spare tube and rode it in on the rim (remarkably I didn't ruin anything) and thought that was bad luck. It could always be worse. Though I'm a little shaken I can't wait to get out and ride again

Wednesday, March 07, 2007



This is all I have to say about today's ride...

...the bike stopped shifting at about mile 30, I bonked like hell, and I loved every minute of it!

Friday, March 02, 2007



Wisconsin totally just got nailed with about two feet of snow! Its really too bad that the Birkie wasn't tomorrow instead of last weekend... it would have been the best its been in ten years!!! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. One thing is for sure....

I won't be using one of these for a while because all that snow.....

Has put a STOP on the cycling season for right now!!!


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